Monday, November 14, 2011


So, every Thursday night i am a single man, but with my new-found attempt at Paleo (or, not strict paleo, but "eat decent food, eh?") I've been toying with an idea to have friends over for dinner on thursdays. Makeshift, pot luck. It could improve my culinary skills, as well as spark an interesting convo. Should I give it a go? Eh, we'll see. Sounds like fun, though.

Also, I'm seriously toying with the idea of running the Michelob Ultra Challenge in Tampa. Thats a 15k, a 5k, an 8k, and a half marathon in one weekend. GRAAAAHH!



  1. Look at you, blogger!! You should join #fitblog chats, every Tuesday at 9 p.m. Meet other people getting into fitness and healthy living!
